Monday, January 09, 2012

Health fitness

Health fitness depends on sound health.Sound health means sound body,mind and soul together.It indicates one free from illness.It also refers to well-being condition of body and mind.When we are free from illness,we can enjoy health fitness.Now a days many are dying on account of poor health,diseases or illness.Therefore we should learn how to gain health fitness.With a view to maintaining health fitness,we should remember the following things:

1)Building up the habit of taking a balanced diet:A balanced diet is a kind of food which contains all the essential food ingredient necessary for our body.To gain health fitness,we should build up the habit of taking a healthy balanced on a regular basis.

2)Taking regular physical exercise:Physical exercise helps to maintain health fitness through burning excess fat and removing unnecessary things from the body.It makes us fresh.So we should take regular physical exercise to enjoy health fitness.

3)Taking rest and sleep properly:Rest and sleep remove dullness.It also refreshes our mind. It helps us to become active for next day.So, in order to enjoy health fitness,we should take rest and sleep properly.

4)Proper hygiene and sanitation:Toremove sickness,idleness,dullness ,diseases;there is no alternative of proper hygiene and sanitation.To clean up house,washing,bathing,sweeping the floor consist of proper hygiene and sanitation which are also important for health fitness.

5)Reaction to health hazards:Health hazards can endanger our health fitness causing various diseases.We should be aware of health hazards and try to overcome them to enjoy health fitness.

6) Social interaction: In order to gain health fitness; we should interact and mix with people around us,play with them,express feelings and thoughts.Social interaction helps to remove boring,loneliness etc.If we are able of socially interacted,we can easily enjoy health fitness.

7) Laughter: Laughter is a kind of medicine.To remove tensions,to be cured ,to be free from diseases, we should be habituated to laugh.Without a smiling face ,one looks older.For this,we should laugh to enjoy health fitness.

As health is more important than any other thing,we should follow the above suggestion to continue and improve health fitness to get a healthier,happier,longer and cheerful life on the universe.

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